You can vote above-the-line or below-the-line but not both.
If you choose to vote above the line:
- Write the number 1 in the box next to the group of your choice.
- Leave the rest of the ballot paper blank.
- Do not write any numbers below the line.
If you vote above the line, your preferences will be decided by the group voting ticket(s) registered by the group you’ve chosen. A group voting ticket is a statement on how each group gives preferences to other candidates. A group must register at least 1 group voting ticket but can register up to 3 group voting tickets.
If you choose to vote below the line:
- Write the number 1 in the box next to the candidate who is your first choice.
- Write the number 2 in the box next the candidate who is your second choice.
- Continue writing the numbers 3, 4, 5 and so on until you have numbered at least 5 boxes.
- Do not write any numbers above the line.
You can continue numbering more than 5 candidates, but for your vote to be counted, you must number at least 5 boxes.
By voting below the line, you decide your preferences directly.
Informal votes
A ballot paper that has not been filled out correctly is known as an informal vote. Informal votes cannot be counted toward the election result.
A ballot paper can be considered informal when someone:
- puts ticks, crosses, or any other symbol in the boxes
- does not number enough boxes
- misses or repeats numbers
- leaves the ballot paper blank.