
How the Queensland Parliament works

It is important to understand how Queensland’s Parliament works and how to vote in its elections to make your vote effective.

In Queensland, you democratically elect candidates to parliament to represent you and to review and make laws on your behalf every four years.

These candidates are usually – but not always – members of political parties. Political parties can become the Queensland Government if a majority of their candidates get elected. The largest party not able to form government is called the Opposition. A party without a majority can form government if it makes an alliance with enough other parties and candidates to have a majority.

Candidates who do not belong to a party are called independents. Independents and members of smaller parties that are elected and do not join the government or the opposition are sometimes called the Crossbench.

Candidates who are successfully elected are called Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA). They represent a certain district or ‘electorate’ in the Legislative Assembly.

The Queensland Parliament is unicameral, meaning it has only one house:

The Legislative Assembly

Made up of 93 members. This is where laws are made, and the state budget is passed. The Premier, the leader of the government, is elected in this house.

Voting for candidates in the Legislative Assembly is important because they play a crucial role in government decision-making.

For more information, visit the Queensland Parliament website.